
Papua New Guinea: A Hidden Treasure for Coffee Enthusiasts

Papua New Guinea (PNG) is a country in the heart of the Pacific Ocean. Surrounded by mist-covered highlands, it is home to a unique and exquisite coffee that is a hidden treasure for the palates of coffee lovers around the world.

The history of coffee in PNG dates to the 18th century, when the first traders arrived on the island, attracted by its fertile volcanic soil and optimal climate conditions. In the early 20th century, PNG saw the introduction of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee, a high-quality variety that thrives in high altitude. Eighteen plantations were established, and commercial production began in 1928.

A Labor of Love

PNG predominantly cultivates coffee known for its nuanced flavor and aromatic qualities. It is characterized by notes of fruity brightness, hints of floral undertones, and a distinct cocoa richness. Each sip tells a story of the land, climate, and meticulous craftsmanship involved in producing this exceptional coffee.
In the 1960s, developing infrastructure significantly helped PNG facilitate the transportation of coffee from the highlands to the mills to be processed and exported. By the 1980s, the coffee industry had decentralized into smallholder farms. Often family-owned, coffee cultivation has been a tradition passed down through generations, fostering a sense of community and shared responsibility.

Traditional coffee processing techniques are practiced throughout the highlands of PNG. The beans are typically handpicked, pulped, and then fermented to remove the mucilage. Afterward, they are washed and then sun-dried.
In the 1930’s, Under Belgian rule coffee was introduced to Burundi due to its favorable climate and fertile soil. Although mandated by the Belgian government the indigenous people found great success in growing coffee. After gaining independence in 1962 the industry continued to flourish with farmers seeing a direct route to a better life. The newly formed government understood the value and importance of coffee as a resource and began to invest heavily in the industry. The building of washing stations and planting of coffee trees paid off, and coffee is now Burundi’s chief export.

Sustainably Focused

PNG’s coffee industry has embraced various sustainable farming practices, including agroforestry, shade-grown cultivation, and organic farming. Farmers often practice intercropping with shade trees, which promotes biodiversity and helps maintain soil health. Sustainable water management, recycling, and community-based projects also play a role in fostering environmentally and socially responsible coffee production in PNG.

Take the Journey

PNG coffee is more than just a beverage; it is a sensory journey through the highlands, a celebration of community, and a testament to the dedication of those who cultivate it. The next time you savor a cup of Lagunas Papua New Guinea coffee, remember that you are experiencing the essence of a vibrant culture, steeped in the misty landscapes of the Pacific Highlands, and supporting sustainability across the world.

Get your bag at the Lagunas Shop and experience the incredible notes our PNG coffee offers!

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